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I love efficiency. Whilst this page looks long, I’ve endeavoured to give enough information to make it easy to decide which appointment would suit you best. Please read through to the bottom, where you’ll find the link to the booking page.

For Assessment, Analysis and Change, I invested in the DIERS HIGH PERFORMANCE 4D MOTION®️ LAB — THE MOST ADVANCED MOVEMENT ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD (fondly known to all as ‘DORIS’), I continually advance my learning and I have the experience and the knowledge to dive deep.

  1. A 5 hour initial analysis is a one-2-one evolving workshop using the High Performance 4D motion®️ lab (‘Doris’) to maximum potential. Whilst it sounds like a long session, time ALWAYS flies by. We dive deeply into movement history & patterns, and is especially suitable if you have a complex injury history, regardless of your fitness/activity levels. Experience shows me that it’s the ideal amount of time to think and explore thoroughly, to test hypotheses by measuring for change and to provide tested movement ‘homework’ to continue the changes that occur in clinic.

  2. The 7 hour initial analysis option is for 2 people to SHARE! This is effectively a day workshop of High Performance 4D motion®️ lab analysis and exploration shared between couples/partners: double the energy, discovery and fun! Beneficial for couples, close friends and training partners, because you’ll each remember different aspects and help each other continue the CHANGE begun in clinic.

  3. Follow-up sessions are offered in 2 ‘sizes’: 5 hours for couples and 3 hours for one-2-one sessions.

  4. Follow-up sessions via Zoom are available for those who had far to travel for the initial analysis, and who are happy to continue their movement progress ‘remotely’.

  5. Initial Analysis via Zoom is offered for those who simply cannot see me in-person due to travel constraints. Of course, there is no Doris, and I am reliant on your camera skills to enable me to see you and your movements well, but our changing world has shown us that good work can be done even via a flat screen!

  6. Professional and Elite Sports People are invited to attend the High Performance 4D motion®️ lab, for two consecutive days. We use the technology to maximal effect to enhance performance, efficiency of movement and provide solutions for chronic injury problems that are preventing career progression and hindering peak performance.

An understandably common question is ‘how many times will I need to come back?’ which of course is an impossible question to answer as I haven’t met you yet.


What I can say with total transparency is that you and I will both know by the end of the first session if another on-site session is appropriate and if so, how long would make most sense, and whether remote follow-ups could complement our on-site work.

Most clients return for at least one follow-up around 6 months later, and some for more; it depends on what we’ve uncovered during the assessment – what needs unravelling in order to access comfortable, effective movement.

Some continue with me long after their original goal has been fulfilled, because they are enjoying discovering more and more about their body – how it works, how they can look after it – and have set new, more reaching goals! Wonderful!

Once an appointment is made, to avoid wasting precious assessment time with the writing out of medical histories, your first commitment is to pop anything injury, illness and surgery-related that’s happened over your lifetime into the on-line data-protected form – anything you remember that hurt or made you feel bad – even if you don’t think it’s anything to do with the problem that’s brought you to me.  Oh, and don’t forget to identify the LEFT or RIGHT in your history!

On the day, the initial part of the session is taken up with assessment and analysis.  Collected data is connected to your injury/pain story to weave cohesive thought-processes for the generation of the most effective movement drills for change – differences that are tested and progressed and tested again before you leave to understand what changes they’ve created.

Your part in the process is to relax – enjoy being the focus of attention – and your second commitment is to perform the drills at least daily as movement ‘homework’.

Only you can do this part of the process, so you should embark on this ‘unravelling journey’ ONLY when you know you feel ready to take control.

Movement ‘stimuli’ are filmed – where appropriate – on YOUR device, so please have enough space available on it for up to 5 short videos (generally these use no more than 100MB of space, but it depends on how much extra information you want to record!).

With the detail and intention of each movement being so important, and with focus diminishing after a handful of reps, each drill should take just a few minutes. Little and often works better and faster when the brain and body get together to create change.

Thank you for taking the time to read it all through.

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